The best budget balancer
How do you assess that you that you're hiring the right roles to make the greatest impact for your institution? A benchmarked view of labor costs at the activity level across individual schools, colleges, and departments - as well as comparisons with similar institutions - helps you better validate your response to that question.
Calculate with confidence in your labor and staffing
Top-notch staffing backed by data-driven proof
Staffing and labor costs consume upwards of 60 percent of most institutions’ budgets. With that much financially at stake, institutions must create data-driven rationales for role investments, identify labor opportunities, pinpoint departmental hiring impacts, and explore cost-saving measures least likely to affect institutional priorities. Plus, accreditation boards value tangible evidence of financial sustainability.
See deeper, accomplish more
Hiring and maintaining the right staff is no simple task. Without deep analytical insights, how are you to know if staff are allocated effectively, aligned with strategic planning, and creating the desired impact they are tasked with accomplishing? Your team needs the capability to observe how resources and labor are aligned, investigate the effect of labor investments over time, and ensure you’re supporting the correct strategies for the health of the institution.
Crucial queries, satisfied
How cleanly can your institution assess the overall quality of critical administrative services? How quickly can your team identify the most effective course of action to avoid further lowering student satisfaction by accidentally reducing staffing in a struggling office? Does your school possess the technical capability to synthesize holistic data to unearth connections across campus? A benchmarked view of labor costs tied directly into satisfaction surveys provides you deeper actionable insights and trends over time.
Confidently know you can afford the best
The employment marketplace has only become more intense within the education industry. How can you ensure your institution has the financial means to compete for lucrative IT talent against the private sector? How can you knowingly afford to retain top staff without the technical ability to ensure every dollar is working its hardest toward its allocated purposes? Gain clear insight into how your labor costs are directly impacting budget, strategic planning, and overall campus health through labor cost benchmarking.
Discover elusive answers to your top of mind questions
- Is our institution spending competitively to recruit and retain staff?
- Is it possible to realign administrative resources to optimize efficiency?
- How do our staffing levels compare against similar institutions and top nationally ranked schools?
- As an RCM school, what is the right level of centralization?
- How does our facilities spend on the physical plant compare to similar institutions?
- How can we staff up to support an expanding student population and/or expanding research budget?
- How is our labor spend on mental health impacting student retention?
- Is our investment in student services resulting in higher enrollment rates?
- How have our diversity investments impacted under-represented minority enrollment and completion rates?

Sage, simple, spot-on
Tap into deeper insights
Benchmarking Consortium
Get a deep dive into labor allocation and costs when you analyze against job description criteria, not just department or function. We enable you to strategize ongoing workforce investments and initiatives to have more data-informed financial planning discussion with HR and department leaders.
Manage labor spend to contain costs or make strategic investments
Inform key financial processes, like annual budgeting, resource or strategic planning, with more precise data
Evaluate alignment with your strategic plan to demonstrate good financial stewardship and sustainability

Benchmarking Consortium
Get a deep dive into labor allocation and costs when you analyze against job description criteria, not just department or function. We enable you to strategize ongoing workforce investments and initiatives to have more data-informed financial planning discussion with HR and department leaders.
Manage labor spend to contain costs or make strategic investments
Inform key financial processes, like annual budgeting, resource or strategic planning, with more precise data
Evaluate alignment with your strategic plan to demonstrate good financial stewardship and sustainability

Request a Demo
HelioCampus gives you a clear line of sight into financial risks and opportunities within your institution related to labor costs, long-term financial sustainability, and alignment with your strategic plan. Let us help you uncover unseen trends and insights that can inform your annual planning, budget cycles, and workforce planning.